5 Yoga Poses To Erase Lower Back Pain

Living a sedentary lifestyle (aka sitting at your desk all day) leads to muscle tightness of the hip flexors and hamstrings and weakness in the abs, lower back, and glutes. This is a recipe for lower back pain disaster because your deepest hip flexor muscle - the Psoas Major - attaches to your spine in your lower back. When this tightness happens, the Psoas creates tension on the lumbar vertebrae, and since the core muscles (abs and lower back) are weak, they are unable to help support the spine, and lower back pain begins.

Both stretching & strengthening the hips and core is essential to preventing and eliminating lower back pain.

These yoga poses will help you to lengthen your hips back out, soothing back pain.

Child’s Pose

Hold for 8 breaths

child’s pose

Cat Cow

Alternate for 8 breaths

Cow Pose
Cat Pose

Runner’s Lunge

Hold for 8 breaths per side

Runner’s Lunge


Hold for 8 breaths per side

pigeon pose


Hold for 8 breaths


Gentle Supine Twist

8 breaths per side

supine twist

Watch the full video here: