Become More Present, Intentional, and Grounded By Creating Your Own Daily Rituals



Rituals are the BEST.

I love feeling my inner witch come out on a full or new moon. Setting candles, lighting some sage, and pulling an oracle card just feels MAGICAL. So, why do we reserve this sense of magic for just once or twice a month?

Creating daily rituals (or routines for my less woo-woo friends out there) not only makes every day feel more magical but it can also set you up to be more present, focused, and productive in your life so that you can feel empowered and make your dreams and goals a reality. 

Now, I know that the thought of adding more to your daily to-do list can sound daunting but you can start small with one or two things that you do every morning and every evening. 

What you do in the morning should help you to feel positive, present, energized, and ready to take on the day with intention. It should help to put you into a peak state so that you are ready to take on your day and live your life to the fullest extent - whatever that means to you. Whether it’s kicking ass in your job or just being more present and energized with your family. 

Sleep is the best meditation.
— Dalai Lama

What you do in the evening should help you to feel reflective, calm, grateful, and ready for a good night’s rest. Sleep heals your body, clears your mind, processes emotions and experiences, promotes longevity and as we all very well know, enhances energy the next day. Creating an environment that allows us to get a good night’s rest is one of the most important things we can do for our wellness.  It should help you to unwind and fully disconnect so that you can get deep rest and feel ready to take on the next day. In the evening you want to make sure that you are turning off blue light devices a couple of hours before you try to go to sleep. 

Benjamin Hardy, author of Willpower Doesn’t Work said:

How you spend your morning determines your success in life.

How you spend your morning determines who you will become.

How you spend your morning determines whether you become world-class at something, or remain merely average.

How you spend your morning is the difference between making tens of millions of dollars and making less than 100 grand.

How you spend your morning determines how well you:

  • think

  • strategize

  • prioritize

  • spend your time

  • choose your friends

  • choose your lover

  • choose your career

  • perform in your work

  • influence the world

We all need different things to support our spiritual, physical, and emotional wellness so that is why creating your own rituals is so important. 

Examples of morning rituals include:

- Journaling

- Listing off what you are grateful for in your head

- Meditation

- An energizing yoga practice or workout

- Going for a nature walk or a run

- Oil pulling

- Dry brushing

- Taking a cold shower

- Slowly drinking a cup of cacao or coffee or another yummy elixir and setting your intention for the day

- Pulling a card 

- Listening to a specific playlist that puts you in the right mindset for the day

- Turning on your diffuser with an energizing oil blend like peppermint or eucalyptus

Examples of an evening ritual include:

- Journaling about your successes for the day and goals or to-do list for tomorrow (get it out of your head so that you can sleep)

- Putting your phone on airplane mode at a certain time - I’ve been doing 9-8 or 9

- Lighting candles and taking an Epsom salt bath

- Lighting your favorite candle or incense

- Having a cup of your favorite sleepy time tea

- Giving yourself a foot massage - Neurogan CBD massage oil!

- Eating a CBD Gummy Square from Neurogan

- Reading a book

- Doing a yin or restorative yoga practice

- Meditation or yoga Nidra

- Slowly performing your skincare routine

As I mentioned earlier, we all need different things. We all come from and are currently going through unique experiences. What works for me may not work for you. Also, sometimes in life, we have a lot more going on than at other times so it’s important to be dedicated to your rituals but not perfectionistic about them.

Self-compassion is key to implementing or sustaining any new structures in your life, rituals included. So, if you’re new to this and have nothing in place right now, then pick one or two things to start with every morning and evening. If you’re not new to this idea maybe see how you can adjust what you are currently doing to put yourself in a peak state every morning and to optimize your sleep every evening. 

If you take one thing away from this episode, the most important thing is that you want to create rituals that promote good sleep in the evening and presence and living out your purpose in your daytime.



If you want to dive deeper into what’s holding you back from living in alignment with your purpose then click below to book a free 20-minute Soul Spark call with me!