“I started doing yoga with Kelly over 4 years ago. As an avid marathoner, I was primarily drawn to her class as an injury prevention technique. However, Kelly’s passion for sharing her practice and welcoming attitude (especially to those of us who are flexibly challenged!) inspired me to sign up for a few of her workshops. I enjoyed them so much that I attended her yoga retreat in Greece. Believe me, I never thought I’d be on a yoga retreat! But I’m so glad I went = it was an amazing experience and truly life changing! I learned a lot about breathing techniques, chakras, and much more. While there are so many things to love about Kelly, I really appreciate how non-judging she is about my lack of knowledge and abilities when it comes to ‘all things yoga.’ She is very encouraging and supportive—meeting students where they are at. Her inclusiveness gave me the courage to sign-up for the weeklong retreat, doing something that felt totally out of my wheelhouse. Without her upbeat and positive attitude, I might have missed out on the vacation of a lifetime. Long story short: Kelly is simply amazing!” - Jen A