10 Things You Need To Bring On A Yoga Retreat

Just thinking about being on retreat makes my heart smile. đź’–

Going on a yoga retreat is one of the best things that you can ever do for yourself. Healing and self-discovery can be hard to find when we are constantly running from thing to the next. Going on a retreat gives you much needed time and space away from all of the day-to-day craziness to focus on slowing down and reconnecting with your higher self.

Now, the types of yoga retreat out there vary a lot. From a beach jungle retreat in Sri Lanka, to a hiking and yoga retreat in the mountains of Peru, to an northern lights-inspired retreat in Iceland, my upcoming Bali Magic Retreat surrounded by rice paddies and jungle. I’ve seen it all. And while the packing list can vary a lot, no matter where you go on retreat, these are things that I always recommend bringing with you.

#1 Athletix CBD Oil

CBD (cannabidiol), which can come from hemp or marijuana plants, is all the rage right now, and for good reason. It is known for it’s ability to reduce pain and inflammation, reduce muscle spasms, improve mood, and improve sleep. And don’t worry, it’s non-psychoactive (meaning, it doesn’t get you high). If you want to nerd out on the science a little more, click here.

One of the things that separates Athletix CBD from all of the other brands out there, is that they have added a unique blend of supplements to aid athletes in improving muscle-recovery time, and preventing muscle spasms and joint pain. Magnesium, L-Glutamine, B-Alanine, Zinc-L-Aspartate, Vitamin B6, olive oil, and peppermint oil mixed with Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Oil make a game-changing supplement for anyone who is active. I’ve been using it for about 3 months and it has significantly helped with my recovery to time and the back spasms that I get from working out.

So, why is CBD oil so necessary for a yoga retreat? Well for starters, most of us don't typically go to yoga twice a day. When you go on a retreat, you spend significantly more time on your mat, meaning your muscles will probably be sore and tired. Athletix CBD’s unique blend of CBD oil and muscle recovery vitamins will help you to feel fresh for each practice. Also, it can be challenging to sleep while traveling and when taken before bed, Athletix CBD can help you to relax into a deep slumber, ensuring that you are energized for the next days’ yoga and adventures.

Interested in trying Athletix CBD? Use my code: kelly10 at checkout to get 10% off your first order!

#2 Journal

Going into a yoga retreat without a journal would be so sad! Make sure to order a journal from Amazon or pick one up from your nearest book store before you head off on retreat to avoid missing opportunities to write down all of the amazing epiphanies and creative ideas that will naturally flow to you once you are in a state of peace and relaxation.

#3 Healthy Snacks

I’m a believer in having healthy snacks on me at all times. You never know when hunger could strike! When you’re on a yoga retreat, chances are that you will be eating 3 delicious, healthy meals each day, but it is always better to be safe than sorry! I love Genuine Health’s vegan protein + gut support bars in dark chocolate almond, they taste delicious, provide a punch of vegan protein, and help your gut to stay healthy which is essential while traveling. The are the perfect snack to carry around in your bag without having to worry about it getting smooshed or too warm.


#4 Essential Oils

Essential oils are they best. They can energize you when you’re tired and relax you when you’re wound up. I personally never travel without peppermint and lavender oil for those exact reasons. I recommend picking out two of your favorites, one that energizes and one that relaxes, to help you out when you need a little mood-adjuster. :)

#5 Vitamins

Bringing the right vitamins on retreat can ensure that you stay healthy and energized while you travel to and from your retreat. I always recommend a good, solid multi-vitamin and a probiotic. My favorite multi-vitamin is Ritual and my favorite probiotic is the Women’s Advanced Gut Health Probiotic from Genuine Health. Use my code: kellycollins at checkout to get 15% off your entire cart at https://www.genuinehealth.com/en-us/!

#6 Travel Mat

Usually mats are available at the retreat center, but sometimes that’s not the case. Regardless, having a good travel mat is always great to bring with you. You can use it in the airport to stretch it out between flights or in your room between classes while you’re at the retreat. There are super thin ones lines this Manduka travel mat or ones that are a little thicker and fold up into a square like this one from Amazon.


#7 Coffee and Tea Packets

I don’t ever like to travel without little packets of tea or coffee. Usually at retreat centers there is coffee and tea available in the morning and afternoon, but I always like to bring some of my own in case I need a pick-me-up or some help winding down at the end of the day. For a pick-me-up, I love Four Sigmatic. Their Mushroom Coffee Mix with Cordyceps and Chaga and Mushroom Matcha Latte give steady, grounded energy without having to deal with a caffeine crash later on. For winding down in the evenings, Art of Tea’s Sleep tea ensures that I will get a good nights’ rest so that I can be feeling great for the next day of retreat.

#8 Good Skincare

One of the amazing benefits of going on retreat is that you typically detox with healthy food and juices, which means that your skin is going to be GLOWIN’ by the end of the week! Give your skin the best chance for rejuvenation and dewiness by coming prepared with good quality skincare products.

No matter where you are going on retreat, even if it’s in Antarctica, you MUST WEAR SPF! Repeat that 10 more times. :) But seriously, the only way your skin is going to stay young and healthy looking, is by keeping those UV rays off of it. I love Fré Skincare’s Defense Facial Moisturizer, it’s thin enough to wear for daily use and smells amazing. Their products are vegan, organic, and they use Argan oil which leaves your skin looking and feeling incredible. If you are going on retreat to a sunny place like Bali and will be adventuring out in the sun, I recommend using Coola’s Classic Face Organic Suncreen with 50 SPF. It is also organic, vegan, and good for the environment.

At the end of the day, scrub it all off with Fré Detox Me mask, my favorite mask EVER. It gently exfoliates and moisturizes your skin, leaving it soft and dewy. Top that off with your favorite serum and moisturizer and you are good to go!

Get 15% off on Fré Skincare when you use my code kellycollins at checkout!

#9 Reusable Water Bottle

With all of that yoga you’re going to be doing, it is important to stay hydrated! Bring a reusable water bottle with you, like this Hydroflask, so that you can always have water available. In countries where you can only drink bottled water, I’ll go to the store and buy giant jugs of water and refill my water bottle as needed. This helps to reduce the amount of plastic I am using and I never have to go thirsty.

#10 Your Favorite Mala or Crystal

Bringing a beloved crystal or your favorite mala beads can be very special during and after retreat. Before the retreat starts, cleanse your crystal or mala with some sage. Then, think about why you are going on this specific retreat and set your intention for the week. Hold your mala or crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and repeat your intention 10x, infusing it into your treasure. Carry it with you throughout your journey. Once you get home, pick it up and hold it when you need a reminder of that intention you set and the feelings that the retreat brought out for you.


Did I miss anything? I’d love to know what your yoga retreat essentials are! Comment below or send me an email!

If you’re looking to go on retreat ASAP, join me & Ava Johanna in Bali March 10th-17th. Click the link below for details. :)